Following on from our earlier news story, and after the strongest storm our country has experienced in over 10 years, we hope that all our customers and anyone else affected are all safe and well.
The ferocity of the storm means that a substantial number of buildings and woodland areas throughout the Central belt and beyond have suffered damage and we are grateful to all our customers who reported issues through our designated storm email address, implemented whilst it was unsafe for our people to be operating normally.
Our contingency plan was successfully initiated, and we are delighted and proud of the efforts of our team, many of whom were working from home on Friday, along with working through Saturday to assist in instructing contractors to attend properties, where possible, and to intimate the required insurance claims.
In addition to our team’s hard work, our approved emergency contractors were on hand to answer our customers telephone calls and to attend the most urgent cases. We are extremely grateful for all their hard work and dedication to our customers and for the continued effort that will be required over the coming days, weeks and months.
Moving on from the emergency over the weekend, our management teams will now work their way through all communicated damage reports, along with handling all incoming calls for damage not yet reported, and arrange for the most appropriate contractor to attend, and where insurance cover is in place, to intimate any common claims. In this respect, the emergency storm email address is no longer in operation and our customers should contact us by the usual means.
Whilst we appreciate that damage to your home is unwanted, difficult and upsetting, given the volume of damage caused, it will take time for us, the contractors, and insurers to work through all reports, prioritise the same and to organise operatives to attend all properties to assess and thereafter undertake the repairs required. In this respect, we would ask for your patience and understanding for the likely and unavoidable delays in contractors attending to rectify damage caused.
Thank you for your understanding during this busy time.