Due to the Red Weather Warning and advice against travel from Police Scotland and Scottish Government, to ensure the safety of our staff, our offices will be closed on Friday 24 January.
With damage to property forecast, we have liaised with emergency contractors and insurance providers to prepare for any repairs required.
Emergency contractors will be available where possible and attend properties when it is safe for their operatives to do so, you can find contact details here.
If your property experiences damage, please send an e-mail, with your flat position and street address in the Subject to:
Please include your name, full address, contact telephone number, details of the damage and any photographs with your e-mail.
This will allow us to take the appropriate action to instruct contractors and intimate insurance claims.
Due to the anticipated volume of enquiries, we will prioritize actioning any damage repairs based on the contractors’ recommendations, with the contractors attending all properties as quickly as possible.
Most importantly, please stay safe.