Or is it?
As part of our ongoing commitment to meeting our corporate and social responsibilities, we have made a number of positive enhancements to our environmental policy with the aim of working towards making our business even more environmentally friendly.
We recently introduced a new recycling initiative within our offices where we encourage our staff to actively reduce general waste through more focused recycling. This included the removal of individual waste bins within each room and the introduction of communal recycling stations.
In addition to this, we have replaced our existing office pool car fleet with brand new fully electric zero emission vehicles. This will ensure our staff have access to green vehicles which they can use when visiting our customers’ properties and meeting with customers on site.
Over the course of the next twelve months, we shall also be moving towards paperless correspondence and invoicing. Further information on this will be made available to our customers over the coming weeks.
If in the meantime, you are interested in signing up for paperless correspondence and invoicing, please do not hesitate to contact your factoring team directly or why not download the MY H&P app, which provides our customers with greater information about the work we do for them and how this is affecting their property. The MY H&P app makes it easier for our customers to interact with their factoring team.
Download the MY H&P app now from the App Store or Google Play.