Annual Report April 2019 – March 2020
The Scottish Tribunals annual report prepared by Rt. Hon. Lady Smith – President of Scottish Tribunals, covering the period 1 April 2019 until 31 March 2020 can be found by clicking on the following link –
Annex B, sub section iv., reports on property factor applications during the twelve-month period covered by the report. There were 185 property factor applications, representing only 4% of all applications received. Most applications focused on concerns over both communication & consultation and carrying out repairs & maintenance. Of the 185 applications received, 16 were rejected, 37 withdrawn with most of these cases being resolved and 108 applications decided by the tribunal. The tribunal found that on 32 occasions the property factor had fulfilled their obligations to the Code of Conduct or their property factor duties. The tribunal found that there had been a failure to comply with the Code of Conduct or property factoring duties in 47 cases. The remaining 29 cases were dismissed.
The report identifies a decrease in cases compared to the number of applications received during the previous year with 5 of our homeowner customers having had their applications accepted. Of these 5 applications, the tribunal found that in all cases there had been no failure to comply with the Code of Conduct or our factoring duties.
We continue to work hard on identifying ways to improve and develop the high-quality services we offer, with the ongoing successful delivery of factoring services down to our hardworking dedicated staff, who continue to play a pivotal role in the continued success of Hacking and Paterson Management Services.
In these difficult and challenging times, we are extremely proud of the passion and dedication shown by all our staff in the provision of service to our customers. With all customer service providers, we strive to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction and while this is not always possible, our aim is to resolve all expressions of service dissatisfaction, without the need for formal complaint escalation.
Our dedicated staff remain on hand to assist our customers and if you would like more information on the serves we provide, or want to speak with your dedicated factoring team, then please do not hesitate to contact our office.