Over the last couple of years, one of RICS in Scotland’s key policy focuses has been on the maintenance of Scotland’s Tenement stock. In December 2016 RICS’s Hugh Edgar commented on the harrowing state of these tenements
“The Scottish Housing Condition Survey for 2015 was published in December 2016 and painted a harrowing picture of the current condition of Scotland’s housing stock – particularly the “old stock”, which were built pre-1919.
The figures indicated that the number of tenement properties in Scotland reached 579,000; equating to 24% of all domestic property, the most common type of dwelling in Scotland.
Tenements that were built pre-1919 amounted to 218,000 (38% of tenement stock, 9% of total stock), making them the second most common occupied property type in Scotland, behind post-1982 detached properties.
We have deep concerns that this survey’s figures indicated that 68% of pre-1919 dwellings are with “critical disrepair” (down from 72% in 2014) and 8% of pre-1919 dwellings are with “Critical, Urgent & Extensive disrepair” (up from 5% in 2014).
It is clear that property maintenance is not high on the agenda of either Government or owners; this could have huge ramifications for future generations.
This is a national problem that requires a national solution; we hope that property maintenance will be a considered a key Government policy in 2017.”
Over many years the factoring industry has attempted, with limited support or interest, to address the high level and strategic issues affecting the maintenance of Scotland’s tenements and to influence the various stakeholders and to consider bringing forward legislative change. We are delighted that RICS’s focus is resulting in a number of MSP’s now beginning to share these concerns.
The RICS Tenement Maintenance Parliamentary Reception, to be held in the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday the 1st November is sponsored by shadow Minister for Housing and Communities, Graham Simpson MSP and will give all stakeholders the opportunity to hear from and ask questions to of Graham Simpson MSP himself along with RICS Scotland Chairman, Peter Haggarty.
We intend being there to listen to the many issues affecting our customers Tenements and to hopefully be at the forefront of influencing effective solutions. For more details on the event, please visit the RICS at: