Following on from our previous updates on the ongoing Scottish Government investigations into the presence of ACM Cladding in High Rise properties throughout the country, we thought our customers would be interested in the latest available information.
The Scottish Government’s Ministerial Working Group on Building and Fire Safety met again on 8th September 2017 with the following points of interest arising:
“31 local authorities had reported that no private high rise housing had ACM. Following discussion on information submitted by Glasgow City Council MWG expressed concern at the detail and quality of information provided particularly in relation to type and extent of ACM identified, and requested that further analysis was undertaken”
“UK fire tests were complete and results confirmed that the requirements of Scottish building regulations would not allow for use the same combustible materials as those found at Grenfell. UK Government would consolidate and publish information regarding UK fire testing results to fully inform building owners.”
With specific reference to privately owned High Rise properties in Glasgow The fifth meeting of the Scottish Government’s Ministerial Working Group on Building and Fire Safety took place on 5th October 2017 with the following points of interest arising:
“Glasgow City Council (GCC) officials gave an oral update on their work to establish whether high rise privately owned domestic buildings used Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) in their cladding systems. GCC confirmed they had conducted further scrutiny of the information given to the Ministerial Working Group (MWG) at the meeting on the 8th September 2017.
GCC officials gave details of the ongoing work to communicate and engage with private high rise building owners, residents and factors. The MWG was given assurance by GCC and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) that there had been full engagement between them and that all buildings identified with ACM in their cladding systems had received an operational fire safety visit.
GCC stated that they will prioritise any required actions in relation to any buildings with ACM in their cladding systems, working collaboratively with owners and factors and the SFRS, to ensure any required testing of materials is done and that a satisfactory conclusion is reached. GCC was clear that the safety of residents in these buildings is a priority and gave assurance that they will continue to liaise proactively with residents, owners and factors to offer advice and assistance.”
To view these minutes in full please visit the Scottish Government website
Further to these meetings, on the 10th October the Minister for Local Government and Housing wrote to the Local Government and Communities Committee confirming the following:
“On Thursday 5 October officials from Glasgow City Council (GCC) attended the Ministerial Working Group on building and fire safety and gave an oral update on the current situation and the further scrutiny that had been carried out. GCC officials confirmed that 24 private high rise domestic buildings in Glasgow have ACM in their cladding systems. The position in respect of 1 further building remains to be stablished and GCC have written to the factor asking for further information as quickly as possible. GCC have decided that 22 of these buildings are low risk as the extent of ACM is limited. All have received a Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) operational assurance visit and have not identified any cause for concern in terms of the fire safety of the buildings. The remaining 2, with extensive coverage required further testing to establish the type of ACM.”
Thereafter, on the 16th October 2017 Councillor Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council, wrote to the Local Government and Communities Committee confirming, in relation to their investigations, the following:
“We have completed the review of the information we hold and have subsequently received in relation to private dwellings above 18m and have shared this with colleagues in Scottish Government”
“We have informed all residents and owners of the available information about the type and location of ACM on their property, information about their factor, and steps already taken by their factor of which the Council was aware”
The great work being undertaken by the Local Government and Communities Committee in relation to Building Regulations and Fire Safety, including the aforementioned correspondence can be viewed here.
We hope this information keeps our customers up to date with the actions being undertaken and the information provided by the Scottish Government and Local Authorities.