News article : March 15, 2016

Changes to our Terms of Service and Delivery Standards on 1st April 2016

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We’re making some changes to our Terms of Service and Delivery Standards on 1st April 2016

Following the introduction of the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011, we provided all of our clients with a Terms of Service and Delivery Standards document (our Written Statement of Service).
We’ll be changing some of our Terms of Service at 1st April 2016.

What’s Changing
We’ve changed our Additional Fees relating to late payment of common charges accounts.
Where a common charges invoice remains unpaid 28 days from the date of issue, a Notice warning of possible court action unless payment is received within a further 7 days, is issued.
If the debt remains unpaid, the matter is passed to legal agents on behalf of all homeowners, with instructions to contact the debtor to confirm that they have received instructions from Hacking & Paterson Management Services to recover outstanding common charges. Debtors still have the opportunity at this point to make settlement and avoid court action and are urged to do so. They are also advised that under certain conditions Hacking & Paterson Management Services may be able to agree settlement by reasonable instalments. At this stage of the process, an administration fee, currently £25 plus VAT, is charged to the defaulting proprietor for the additional administration involved in the recovery of their debt.

If no response or payment is forthcoming, a Notice of Court Proceedings is issued by the legal agents to the debtor and a further administration fee, currently £25 plus VAT, is charged to the defaulting proprietor for the additional administration involved in the recovery of their debt.

Where it is necessary and considered in the best interest of homeowners, the recording of a Notice of Potential Liability for Costs may be instructed on a property title. An administration fee of £120 + vat for the additional administrative work and costs involved will be charged to the homeowner concerned.

Our Terms of Service and Delivery Standards documents will be changed at 1st April 2016 and please do not hesitate to contact our office if you would like a copy of the revised document for your property.

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