Repair and maintenance issues can be intimated to us as follows:
Glasgow Office: 0141 248 5693
Edinburgh Office: 0131 523 1575
When telephoning, your call will be transferred to one of our experienced property factoring teams who will request clear details on the repair/defect being reported together with some personal information such as your name, address and contact number. Prior to calling, consideration should be given as to whether or not you or a fellow homeowner will require to provide access to facilitate the repair in order that contact details for the contractor can be obtained at the time of your call if need be.
Glasgow office:
Edinburgh office:
When emailing, your email will be answered by one of our experienced property factoring teams who will require clear details on the repair/defect being reported. To facilitate the repair some personal information such as your name, address and contact number is required in order that these can be passed to the contractor.
My H&P Web Portal and App
Our My H&P Web Portal and Smartphone App provides our customers with the ability to contact our dedicated property factoring teams by direct telephone and email. Customers can take photographs or videos of the defect and send them via the App straight to their factoring team.
We would recommend that any matters requiring immediate attention should be notified to us by telephone.
Upon notification our factoring team will consider the best means by which to deal with the repair/defect reported and instruct the appropriate contractor, on behalf of the homeowners, accordingly. Where access or further information is required the appointed contractor will make contact with the homeowner who reported matters in advance of attending the property.
We aim to report routine matters, intimated within office hours, to an appropriate contractor within two working days of the report. Matters requiring a quotation or inspection will be reported to an appropriate contractor within 3 working days of the report. Emergency defects will of course be passed to a contractor immediately upon receipt and where such matters occur outwith our office hours, please refer to our Emergency Contacts page or, at your discretion, contact the emergency services direct.
Should any customer have a general question on the facilitation of maintenance repairs please contact us.