About Us

Our Profile
Our customers’ property is very often the most valuable asset they will ever have and we recognise the importance of our factoring role in maintaining their common property.

Our History
Founded in 1922 by William Hacking and David Paterson based in Clydebank, the main operation of the business was the factoring of the original Glasgow tenements and the collection of rents on behalf of landlord owners.

Our Team
Our people are at the heart of how our business performs. Covering all aspects of the factoring process from our front line staff, through our support networks, we have dedicated teams of people working to deliver our vision.

Internal Organisation
A visual representation of how our organisation is structured.

Corporate Social Responsibility
As a provider of services in today’s society, our business is run in accordance with our values. These are designed to provide support and development to our people and at all times provide the best possible service to our customers.