As of the 1st of December 2016, the Homeowners Housing Panel will become known as the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber). The Chamber will sit within the newly-created First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (First-tier Tribunal)
It is our understanding that all administration will continue to be provided by the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) and the same experienced staff will continue to process work as happens currently.
Changes that our home owning customers will notice are that the HOHP name will no longer be used and correspondence will be from the Housing and Property Chamber. The tribunal service will continue to have their own dedicated website with the same level of information covering all published decisions and information about future hearings.
These changes are being made on the back of The Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 which created a two-tier structure which is hoped will bring improvements to the structure, management and organisation of Tribunals.
Applications from homeowners will initially be sent to the First-tier Tribunal for determination with an onward appeal route to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland, rather than to the Courts as at present. The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland and the Upper Tribunal for Scotland (Upper Tribunal) will be collectively known as the Scottish Tribunals.
The President of the new Chamber will be Mrs Aileen Devanny – currently President of the HOHP. Existing members will transfer to the new Tribunal.
As of 1 December, the HOHP will no longer exist, though the services they provide will continue to be offered by the Housing and Property Chamber. Branding changes are detailed in the diagram below:
As a result of these changes, as of the 1st of December 2016 the contact details for the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber) are:
Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service,
4th Floor,
1 Atlantic Quay,
45 Robertson Street,
Glasgow G2 8JB
Telephone Contact: 0141 302 5900
Email Contact:
Website Contact:
For full details please visit the website at HOHP Scotland